Full Body Check-up and Screening

Full Body Check-up and Screening

Majority of health conditions can be successfully treated if discovered early. GHIS is entirely dedicated to Health Screening and Health Checkups and provides services of Immunization for all Communicable and Infectious Diseases.

Our series of tests are carried out in 2 to 3 1/2 hours with minimum disruption to the working day. Special group rates are available.

Our Screening Programs Are:


Other Insurance Services

Here you can see our insurance services

Medical Claims and Case Management

Our case management team coordinates medical care for pre-planned procedures, suggests treatment options and monitors ongoing medical treatment while directing

Expatriate Medical Care

The world is becoming a mobile place for all types of workforce', from blue-collar workers to executives. International health insurers are growing this book of

Self-Insured Funds Management

There is a growing trend where larger companies are looking at reducing their dependence on International Health Insurance, and deciding to carry the risk thems

Remote Clinic Setup and Operation

GHIS offers design and operation of Site Clinics throughout Afghanistan.

Basic and Advance Medical Training

GHIS offers a variety of medical training tailored to medical professionals and the general population.

International and Domestic Medical Evacuations

Global Health Insurance Services is able to provide referral services to India, Dubai and Turkey.

GHIS Assistance

GHIS has become a partner of choice for a number of international medical assistance companies, whereby they have found it of value to work with a local, indepe